Last night storms raged through Oklahoma and NW Arkansas. This morning we awoke to assess the damages. First, the locust we trimmed a couple of weeks ago lost one more limb.
But the worst was the large old oak next to our driveway:
The trunk must have been rotted down to the base. It was lopsided anyway, and the winds last night twisted and snapped what was left.
It fell across the driveway and onto our storm shelter:
The roof will have to be repaired, but the structure survived otherwise. I no longer have any doubts about it being used as a tornado shelter.
Hubby was barely able to get my car out by driving through the space between the gate and the tree.
The tree service came quickly and got right to work.
We lost numerous small branches on other trees, but the oak was the biggest loss. It was probably 150 years old or more. We are lucky it didn't come down on one of our vehicles.
Hubby is doing a little better, getting plenty of rest and personal nursing from Copper. His strength is slowly improving, he is able to eat a little better, and as a result his attitude and outlook have changed for the better. We have hired a third helper for the summer to keep the mowing done, so he shouldn't have to do much physical work anymore. He has lost 20 pounds, two pants sizes, and most of his hair.
My sister, niece and I went garage sale-ing this morning, then to an Amish restaurant for lunch (YUM!) and to a frozen chicken outlet in Decatur, AR. I bought enough chicken to fill half my chest freezer, with boneless, skinless chicken breasts, fajita chicken meat, and breaded chicken fritters and tenders. My sister and niece assure me that this chicken is delicious and well worth the money; hubby and I both love chicken, and this will keep us well-fed for a long time.
Work on the house is still stalled until the weather is drier, although the contractor told me he expects to strip brick off the end of the house this weekend and start the foundation work next week. I'm not going to hold my breath, though.