Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strange Markings

A man came out yesterday and left these strange markings on the lawn. They have something to do with the utilities-- telephone, cable, electricity, and gas-- and the area where the addition will be built.  I assume it means that there are no lines buried underneath that would be disrupted by digging.
He also said the perc test for the septic field will be done in a few days. Small steps, to be sure; but at least we're moving forward.

This bed contains spring onions on the left, asparagus in the center, and garlic on the right.  We also have abundant wild onions/wild garlic growing in the yard and surrounding fields.  It is edible and mild-tasting like chives. I may try using it in some cheddar biscuits to see how well it bakes.

We just got 6 ricks of wood delivered for next winter.  We will have to stack it ourselves, but it should be well seasoned by this fall.  We have two woodpiles, this one for the house, and in the background left you can see the other pile for the shop building, which has a wood-stove. We used an awful lot of wood this past winter, but we probably won't use the fireplace as much next winter because of the mess involved. It never hurts to be prepared--and we got this wood for a cheap price due to it being the end of the season.

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