Saturday, September 14, 2013

Septic service


The engineered wood porch decking is about half done.  It has taken so long because of all the angles that had to be cut at the gazebo end.  

The doors were delivered yesterday.  They are solid core wood doors, very heavy, and half of them had to be carried up the stairs, including the two double doors for the closets!

The trim carpenter worked all day cutting and ripping the door and window trim.  Monday he should be able to start nailing everything.  It will probably take him all week--but it is supposed to be rainy, so it is well-timed.

The elevator cab is leaning against the wall for now, unassembled.  Maybe in a couple of weeks we will have electrical service so it can be installed.

These mysterious arrows appeared on the county road in front of our house.

They are pointing to our driveway for the gravel truck.  The septic system guys have finally arrived!

 The load had just been dumped and the pipe was ready.

The Bobcat was kept busy carting gravel and dirt around.

The backhoe dug three new lateral lines for the septic system, which gives us a total of 5 lines.

They laid a gravel base, put in the PVC pipe, and covered it with gravel.

They had to put in a new diversion (D) box to join the new lateral lines together. The old one was too fragile to use.

Everything was ready to be covered with the remaining gravel, then a layer of dirt.

The orange and white stake marks the D box so the construction trucks won't drive over it or park on it. They did a great job leveling everything out once the lines were buried.

Now we are ready to pass the septic inspection.  The trench can be dug for the electrical and cable service lines.  That work will depend on the weather over the next couple of weeks and when the electric company can get out here to do it.


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