Monday, June 24, 2013

Pest control

Today the plumbing inspector came out, and the job must have passed inspection, because the plumbing contractor proceeded to cover up his work.  The pipes left showing are the rough-ins for the bathrooms.

Then the pest control service guy came and thoroughly saturated the foundation fill and the adjoining areas that will be under the porch.  He concentrated around the pipes and along the existing wall.

Next step: tying in the wire and rebar for the slab. With any luck that will happen this week.


This is the beginning of hubby's nursery business.  He and his "crew" are really getting things in order.


Here is my garden, not doing too badly after all.  The radishes have not come up, but most of the other plants are doing okay. I even have a few tomatoes.


Hubby scored a lot of daylilies from another gardener.  He had to dig them, but he brought home 8 large bags full; 2 bags of them were Hemerocallis fulva, the common ditch lily, which I love.  They have all been potted up ready to be transplanted after the addition is finished.

Ditch lilies

unknown daylilies

More unknown daylilies. Hubby is working to identify all these.


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